75 years is a pretty cool milestone – we thought we'd celebrate in style.
The average lifespan of a business in the USA is just 21 years
We've reached over triple that, and we're reflecting on what it took to get here.
We wish our founding [grand]fathers could see us now. We wish they could see the legacy they built and the way that we have honored and carried it for three quarters of a century.
In 75 years, we’ve seen a lot of change. We live in a completely different world than the one SHED RAIN started in. We’re confident that our belief in what we make, our commitment to top notch engineering,
our strong ties in the community, our forward thinking colleagues, and good-old-fashioned hard work, are what helped us reach this incredible milestone.
Do a happy-rain dance with us.
We know you want to.
We’re humbled, proud, and grateful, turning the page on this momentous anniversary. Our dedicated employees and trustworthy
partnerships keep this umbrella right-side-out, and we only see a bright (and rainy) future ahead.
We’re still just as passionate now as we were in 1947, and we created something collectible-worthy for everyone that’s been a key component in our growth.

The limited edition Vortex™ V2 umbrellas, celebrating our 75th anniversary

We made a custom patterned print with our new brand identity on it. It seemed only fitting that we should launch our special edition canopies for our 75th birthday.
We worked closely with our design partner and creative leader to make this product a reality. The detailing in the 100% sustainable, sugar cane, and naturally dyed packaging is simply exquisite in both looks and thought.
Many thanks must also go to our friends at unruhjones for the stunning product imagery.
